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Holy Orders

In Holy Orders men are ordained as priests, deacons, or bishops. Priests serve as spiritual leaders of their communities, and deacons serve to remind us of our baptismal call to help others. Bishops carry on the teachings of the apostles. The signs of this sacrament are the laying on of hands and anointing with oil by the bishop.

If you feel God might be calling you to consider the priesthood, you can call the Vocations Office for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee or visit their website at

Permanent Deacons are ordained ministers of the Church. Liturgically, deacons preside at funerals, weddings, and baptisms as well as assisting at Mass by proclaiming the Gospel and at times preaching. The ministry of the deacon takes place within the context of his family (if married) and his secular job.


If you'd like more information about this calling, please visit the archdiocese website or call the parish office.

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