Parish Archivist serves St. Elizabeth Ann Seton members and parish staff, to assist in preserving documents, data and memorabilia of the parish history. Parish Archivist Ministry has worked with organizing photographs, such as the church construction and Youth Ministry events. These documents are likely to be retrieved for parish celebrations or other remembrances. The Ministry does not currently decide what items are saved, but assists in preparing them to be stored in a neat, concise way. (paper, CDs, etc.) This ministry welcomes your knowledge in this new endeavor!
Volunteer Time Commitment
Time: Once/year and as called
Location: Work can be done from home or at Seton depending on the project
Where does this ministry serve: At Seton, from home and out in the community
Contact: Donna Kocinski, 262-692-2479 or send us a message
Volunteer Opportunities
As of April 2023, the ministry has completed its most recent assignment of organizing and cataloging 30+ years of Youth Ministry photographs. The photographs show Confirmation Retreats, Work Camps, Youth Service activities as well as celebration events.
Follow Jesus-Serve Others
Parish Archivist follows Jesus, by responding to a need.
How does the Parish Archivist serve others?
"I do a job that may otherwise fall on a parish staffer with less time.
I preserve examples of goodness for many to learn in the future."
Reflecting on this Ministry
I do not know most of the people in the photographs that I have been assigned to preserve and organize. However, I think of my family - looking at very old pictures left by my parents and I am hoping that many parishioners will recognize Seton friends at a future celebration slideshow.