Caring for God's Creation
Human Concerns
By becoming part of a growing community around the world that has committed to what the Pope calls Laudato Si’, Caring for God’s Creation, this ministry will intertwine with other Seton ministries to heighten awareness and offer specific ways to help protect Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.
Pope Francis’ statement at the UN climate summit now taking place in Dubai asked a powerful question: “Are we working for a culture of life or a culture of death?”
Read Pope Francis' statement here.
Volunteer Time Commitment
One can serve with as much time as they have to offer whenever they are available.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer requests will be communicated through email or phone call. No meeting attendance is necessary to serve with this ministry.
Location: At Seton
Contact: Janis Fitschen, 262-521-1319, or send us a message
Contact: Mary Lee Spitz, 414-587-6499, or send us a message
Follow Jesus – Serve Others
Caring for God’s Creation : Watch Us Grow
Our ministry will be helping God’s Creation and Mother Nature by growing a wildflower of native WI plants in the area near the retention pond. Work began with the laying down of cardboard and mulch/woodchips.

Fr. Joe blessed the garden at the end of June after the first wildflowers were planted.

Surviving the dry August heat.

Closing out the summer season with beautiful blooms.
Prayer for Creation
Compassionate God,
You call us to communion with one another and with you,
yet too often the changes in our common home we are bringing upon ourselves
disrupt and ravage not only our natural surroundings,
but also our connections with one another.
Teach us how to overcome and heal our estrangements
from Earth and one another,
to live in right relationship with all our surroundings
and to accompany those we encounter who suffer most from Earth’s climatic change.
excerpt from: Tending The Tree of Life
The Caring for God's Creation Team presents Pope Francis' Laudato Si',
7 Goals for Caring For God's Creation (YouTube video)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's Caring for God's Creation Ministry - a member of Laudato Si' - created this presentation as a way to inform people about health and environmental issues impacting impoverished people who live in Garbage dumps around the world. Suggestions are made regarding how we can lessen the impact.
Get these “forever chemicals” out of our water from
Be aware! Every day, millions of people across the country drink water contaminated with toxic chemicals known as PFAS. This exposure poses serious health hazards, as PFAS can damage the immune system and cause cancer and other health problems.
After years of inaction by the federal government, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed long-overdue limits on six PFAS in drinking water. EPA’s proposal would prevent thousands of PFAS-linked deaths and serious illnesses. Join us in supporting strong PFAS drinking water standards and opposing industry’s efforts to weaken these necessary protections.
“PFAS” is short for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances, a class of more than 12,000 chemicals found in everyday products like waterproof jackets, nonstick pans, food wrappers, and personal care products. They can persist in the environment for up to hundreds of years, readily spread in the air, soil, and water, and can remain in our bodies for decades. This is why they are known as “forever chemicals.” PFAS are linked to serious medical problems, including cancer, infertility, impaired fetal development, and immune system suppression that decreases vaccine effectiveness.
For decades, companies have been allowed to manufacture and use PFAS and release these toxic chemicals into the environment with impunity, contaminating drinking water supplies for approximately 200 million Americans. EPA’s proposed drinking water standards are a critical step toward addressing the PFAS drinking water crisis and helping communities across the country remove these dangerous chemicals from their water.
The Pope, the Environmental Crisis, and Frontline Leaders | The Letter: Laudato Si Film
Catholics Care About Climate Change
Laudato Si’ links to help us understand what Pope Francis is saying
• Top Ten Takeaways from Laudato Si'
• Laudato Si' Summary and Action Steps
• Laudato Si' On Care for our Common Home
• Pope Francis' Encyclical - your questions answered on Laudato Si'
7 Goals of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform - Pope Francis wrote an Encyclical Laudato Si, "Caring For God's Creation" and is asking all of God's people to enlist the 7 goals into our daily lives.
1. Respond to the cry of the Earth
2. Respond to the cry of the poor.
3. Practice Ecological Economics
4. Adoption of Sustainable lifestyles
5. Practice Ecological Spirituality
6. Provide Ecological Education
7. Build Community resilience and empowerment.
These holistic goals reflect the gamut of Catholic Social Teaching
Laudato Si’ Action Platform Summary
• To move the church toward ecological spirituality and sustainability.
• A seven year initiative in which we seek to complete a series of actions associated with the seven goals around spirituality, simple living and sustainability.
Most of us go about our day completely unaware of the amount of pollution that starts at home. In an effort to educate and support consumers looking to reduce their environmental footprint, Consumer Notice has created the Consumer's Guide to Reducing Pollution
Site product categories will direct you to products that can help you green your community. Areas address home, hotel, office, school and sports.
• Find Safer Choices to Use in Your Community
Eco-Friendly Cleaning
• Clean Without the Chemicals: Understanding Cleaning Product Labels
• Homemade House Cleaners With Safe Ingredients
Winter De-Icing
• Eco-Friendly Ways to De-Ice Your Sidewalk
• Break the Ice Without Scorching the Earth: Non Toxic De-Icers
• Commercial De-Icing Earth Friendly Products:
Redmond Ice Slicer - Kid and Pet Safe: 25# @ $36.49
Green Fire Ice and Snow Melt Granules - Valtec Industries: 50# box and free shipping $89
Snow Joe AZ-25-EB Melt - Nature and Pet Friendly: 25# @ $17.96 & 50# @ $27.93
Safe Paw - Pet Friendly: 35# @ $74.95
Environmentally Friendly Landscaping
• Ecological Landscaping-Ideas for ALL homeowners!
• Start a New Habitat: Homegrown National Park
• Shades of Green Permaculture - creating landscapes with ecological intelligence
* Free Permaculture Class: Four Steps to a Regenerative Landscape
Eco-Friendly Trash Bags
• Top 5 Biodegradable Garbage Bags