Human Concerns Commission
Human Concerns
Our faith is manifested through our actions in serving others. Human Concerns Ministries put our Baptismal call into action by recognizing and serving the charitable and social justice needs of the parish, neighborhood, and the world around us. Through these ministries, Jesus calls us into sharing God’s abundant love with others.
Our parish is blessed to have many wonderful intentional disciples that serve, support, and empower those in need through our Human Concerns Ministries.
"If you lavish your food on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness, and your gloom shall become like midday." ~ Isaiah 58:11
Volunteer Time Commitment
Date: The Human Concerns Ministry leaders meet 2 times per year
Time: TBD
Location: Conference Room – lower level of the church
Contact: Jayne Finn 414-688-9573, or send us a message
Volunteer Opportunities
Many of our Human Concerns ministries would love to welcome new members. Please scan through our many diverse ministries and see if any call you to serve.
Follow Jesus - Serve Others
“Being a part of a community that is grounded in faith allows our hearts to open and calls us into action. We become the hands and feet of Jesus through our acts of service for others. How we choose to serve is vast and varied. It can come in the simplest form, as a warm smile or the holding open of a door.
Here, at Seton, we manifest our faith by serving through our many ministries. There are those that use their gifts to enhance our spiritual life, those that are called to nurture our youth’s faith with our formation programs, and those that serve in ministries that strengthen our relationships as a parish.
Another way Seton puts our Baptismal call into action is by recognizing and serving the charitable and social justice needs of our neighbors and the world around us. Turning our faith into action outside of these sanctuary walls is what we call Human Concerns.
Currently our parish has 19 Human Concerns Ministries. These ministries are as diverse as the people that serve on them and those that they serve. They range from Eucharist for the homebound to walking in solidarity with our fellow parishioners in El Salvador. Our parish provides grants to organizations in need, while educating ourselves on Social Justice issues and supporting the migrant community in our area. Even though the Coronavirus greatly compromised our ability for outreach, we still managed to make bag meals for the meal programs and collect food for multiple food pantries. Just last month, our parish provided nearly 500 Thanksgiving dinners for those who would have had none. This month, over 300 Christmas gifts were purchased for those who would have gone without.
Our types of service, here at Seton, come in many forms, yet each act of service is based on Christ’s example of how to love and to serve others. This is discipleship in its purest form.
I feel so blessed to be a member of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish and to have so many wonderful, intentional disciples by my side who willingly share that abundant love through their call to service.”
~ Jayne Finn, Human Concerns Commission Leader