Prayer Network
Spiritual Life and Worship
The Prayer Network Ministry supports parishioners, their families and friends with prayer during times of special need. The ministers are a group of people who have offered to pray for others.
A prayer request list is emailed once a week to the prayer ministers. One section of the list is for requests for 90 days of prayer. The 90 day requests can be written on printed forms that are in the small brown box located in the alcove on the west wall of the Gathering Space. The other section contains requests for one week of prayer. The one-week requests come from the book on the stand in church near the ushers’ room. Anyone is free to ask for prayers in this book.
Prayer requests may also be made on our prayer request page. Direct calls or messages to Jean with prayer requests are cheerfully accepted at any time.
Volunteer Time Commitment
Date: No formal meetings
Time/Location: Whenever and/or wherever it is convenient for you to pray
Contact: Jean Klawitter, 414-425-3393, or send us a message
Volunteer Opportunities
More people willing to pray are always welcome by asking Jean to add them to the list. The opportunity to ask this church to pray for the many serious problems people have must be a great comfort to those who request prayer.