Sandwich Ministry
Human Concerns
The Sandwich Ministry at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton provides The Guest House of Milwaukee with approximately 350 ham and cheese sandwiches, fruit, chips and baked goods every month. All food is purchased prior to making the meal.
The Guest House, located at 1216 N. 13th St., Milwaukee, is home to over 80 men and provides shelter, education, food and services to the community to help transform lives with dignity and purpose. Case managers work one-on-one with shelter guests. The Counseling Clinic provides long-term case management for men and women who are working their way through addiction, mental health issues, or both.
Volunteer Time Commitment
Date: 3rd Tuesday of the month
Time: 8:30-9:00 AM
Location: Seton’s kitchen
Contact: Bonni Wagner, 414-236-2001, or Nicole Zautis, 262-780-9496, or send us a message
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are invited to gather in the Seton kitchen on the 3rd Tuesday after morning Mass to assemble and package sandwiches.