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Money Counting Team


The Money Counting Teams are responsible for counting donations to the parish from weekly Masses, festivals, and auctions, utilizing the Archdiocesan standards and procedures. There are seven counting teams who work on a rotating basis, once every seven weeks.

This ministry serves all members of the parish. It supports the sound financial status of the parish to enable all other projects and ministries to move forward.


Volunteer Time Commitment

Once every seven weeks for approximately 2 hours.


Volunteer Opportunities

We welcome new members to the counting teams. New counters will be trained by the team lead for the team to which they are assigned.

Location: Parish Office (In lower level of church)

Contact: Mary Kettlewell, 414-545-5514, or send us a message


Follow Jesus - Serve Others

The counting teams take this responsibility very seriously. Sound financial practices and honesty and integrity are hallmarks of the work they do.

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